District Report Card

District Report Card

This report card contains information required by the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for our school and district including: student enrollment and teacher qualifications, student achievement, accountability, and the progress our school is making toward narrowing proficiency gaps for different groups of students. FAQs about the School and District Report Cards.

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – ENGLISH

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – PORTUGUESE

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – SPANISH

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – HAITIAN CREOLE

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – ARABIC

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – CHINESE

Report Card Letter FY22-23 – VIETNAMESE

Please click HERE for the district report card.






Malden High School


Quick Facts about the School and District Report Card




Haitian Creole





Title IX 2021

Download (PDF, 752KB)

K-2 Return Survey Links for Families

K-2 Return Survey Links for Families

At this time, the district has welcomed our high-needs students for in-person instruction on Tuesday January 19th. On Monday, January 25, our grades PreK-2 staff will return to our buildings, with PreK-2 students beginning a hybrid learning model Monday, February 1st. 

As part of our planning, we are asking families to fill out this very simple survey below to let us know if your child is going to return on Feb. 1st for in-person learning. We ask that you complete it by the end of the day Thursday, January 21st so Principals can arrange for even classroom cohorts and be able to inform families prior to the start of in-person learning beginning February 1st. 




















Tiếng Việt:





Daily Screening Protocol for Families


Our goal is to maintain a safe environment for children to learn.  P L E A S E,  help us to protect you and your children when coming back to our school. 


Students and Families take an active role in trying to keep everyone safe by being honest about symptoms and when they started and not sending kids to school sick.  This is crucial to us being able to continue in person learning.  


Everyone must do their part to protect others and follow these guidelines!


  • Check Daily for symptoms before coming to school

MPS COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist


Students must stay home if they are not feeling well, or have symptoms of illness. 

  • Please, notify your child’s school nurse with any symptoms of Covid19 
  • Call your healthcare provider for further instructions. 
  • Self isolate for 10 days, self monitor and get tested for Covid 19. 
  • If tested positive, call school for close contact tracing.


  • Mask/face covering must be  worn at all times covering nose and mouth for grades K-12 and strongly encouraged for PreK
    • Covid-19 is spread primarily through droplets that come from the nose and mouth when people cough, sneeze, and speak. 
    • The wearing of masks helps prevent the spread of droplets from landing in the eyes, mouth, or mucous membranes of other persons in close contact with infected persons.
    • Exceptions will be made for students with medical, behavioral, or other challenges who are unable to wear masks/face coverings **contact your school nurse for more information about this.
    • You should provide your child with a mask to wear on the way to school and during the school day and send an extra mask in their backpack. 
    • No gators or mask with valves allowed
    • Please label each mask with your child’s name 
    • Provide small paper bag for mask breaks during the day  
    • Cloth masks should be washed daily

Family Educations Sheet available here: 

Helping your child wear a mask                Parents of young children


  • Keep your physical distance – whenever possible 
    • Physical distance means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household. 
    • As COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, distance between individuals reduces risk. 
    • In classroom settings, six feet of separation is recommended when feasible.  When six feet is not feasible, a minimum of three feet of distance is acceptable as long as everyone is wearing a mask.
    • Your school will likely assign seats or designate cohorts of students to help mitigate the transmission of the virus. 
    • Please encourage your child to follow these instructions


  • Hand Hygiene –Use soap and water or hand sanitizer
    • Upon arrival to school
    • Touching any mucous membranes (eye, nose, mouth)
    • Going towards your face (adjusting glasses, fixing your mask)
    • Before eating
    • Before drinking
    • After going to the bathroom
    • If hands are visibly soiled
    • Before putting on and taking off masks
    • Before dismissal

Please help your child learn to wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer for twenty seconds at a  time. Video here – What You Need to Know About Handwashing. 

MPS Reopening – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

January 15, 2021


MPS Reopening – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some answers to FAQs regarding reopening plans:


What will school schedules look like?

The district is now working with the Malden Education Association regarding the details of our school schedules once we begin our hybrid learning model. It is our goal to have schedules resemble a “normal” school day as much as possible.


Will my child’s teacher change?

If we are able to secure live streaming, we believe we will be able to keep most of our students with the same teacher. 


What health and safety measures will be in place?

All K-2 students and staff will be required to wear masks, covering the face and nose, at all times while in our school buildings. We will also provide for social distancing and frequent hand-washing opportunities. Our custodial staff will be cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces throughout the school day.


Daily Screening Protocol for Families




When will students come to school and when will they learn remotely?

Through our hybrid model, we will have half our students in Cohort A and half in Cohort B. Cohort A will attend in-person classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, while Cohort B will attend in-person classes on Thursdays and Fridays. Students who elect to remain remote will be home all five days. Wednesdays will continue to be remote learning days for all students and staff. School buildings will be closed and thoroughly disinfected on these days. 


How will cohorts be determined?

Our principals are building cohorts that make the most sense for their building schedules; they are examining sibling lists, services, and student needs to inform the creation of cohorts. Notification of cohort assignments will be on or before January 27th. 


How can I request that my child continue with 100% remote learning?

We will continue to offer a full remote learning option for students whose families request it. To discuss this option, please contact your child’s school office as soon as possible. 


How will meals work with the hybrid model?

In December, 2020, MPS became eligible for the Community Eligibility Provision program from the state. As a result, all students will receive free lunch. Meals will likely be served in classrooms or other spaces to allow for proper social distancing.


Will lunch be served in school?

We will serve lunch in school adhering to all the protocols and safety guidelines.  


Will I see a reduction in P-EBT benefits if my child is engaged in hybrid learning?

If you choose hybrid learning for your student, the amount awarded in P-EBT benefits will decline from $117.20 to $58.60. This decline will not take place if your student remains in remote learning.


Will my child be required to get the flu vaccine?

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is removing the requirement for flu vaccination for attendance in childcare/preschool, primary, secondary and postsecondary education. Preliminary data show that this has been a mild flu season to date, presumably as people have received their seasonal flu vaccine and have been adhering to mask-wearing and social distancing due to COVID-19. Given the intensive Commonwealth-wide efforts regarding COVID-19 vaccination, DPH wants to alleviate the burden to obtain flu vaccination and focus on continuing our COVID -19 vaccination efforts. DPH continues to strongly recommend that everyone age six months and older receive their seasonal flu vaccine each year. 


Will there be after-school programs after February 1?

At this point, we cannot implement before- and after-school programs due to health and safety concerns. It is our hope that we can resume these programs before the end of the school year. This will depend on the status of COVID-19 in our community.


Is antigen testing available?

Yes, we now have BinaxNow antigen testing available. This is a very accurate test for people who are symptomatic or believe they may have COVID-19. The test is available in each school’s nurse’s office and merely requires consent from the parent/guardian to administer it to students. The results are available in 15 minutes.  


Is there any additional testing available?

Malden Public Schools has applied to be part of the Governor’s offer to do “pool testing” in the schools.  We will update the community once that information is available.  


Return to Learn FAQs

Return to Learn | Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to frequently asked questions our families, students and community members may have regarding the Malden Public Schools’ plans for the 2020-21 school year. If you have any additional questions, please contact us

What will school schedules look like?
The district is now working with the Malden Education Association regarding the details of our school schedules once we begin our hybrid learning model. It is our goal to have schedules resemble a “normal” school day as much as possible.

Will my child’s teacher change?
If we are able to secure live streaming, we believe we will be able to keep most of our students with the same teacher. 

What health and safety measures will be in place?
All K-2 students and staff will be required to wear masks, covering the face and nose, at all times while in our school buildings. We will also provide for social distancing and frequent hand-washing opportunities. Our custodial staff will be cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces throughout the school day.

Daily Screening Protocol for Families


When will students come to school and when will they learn remotely?
Through our hybrid model, we will have half our students in Cohort A and half in Cohort B. Cohort A will attend in-person classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, while Cohort B will attend in-person classes on Thursdays and Fridays. Students who elect to remain remote will be home all five days. Wednesdays will continue to be remote learning days for all students and staff. School buildings will be closed and thoroughly disinfected on these days. 

How will cohorts be determined?
Our principals are building cohorts that make the most sense for their building schedules; they are examining sibling lists, services, and student needs to inform the creation of cohorts. Notification of cohort assignments will be on or before January 27th. 

How can I request that my child continue with 100% remote learning?
We will continue to offer a full remote learning option for students whose families request it. To discuss this option, please contact your child’s school office as soon as possible. 

How will meals work with the hybrid model?
In December, 2020, MPS became eligible for the Community Eligibility Provision program from the state. As a result, all students will receive free lunch. Meals will likely be served in classrooms or other spaces to allow for proper social distancing.

Will lunch be served in school?
We will serve lunch in school adhering to all the protocols and safety guidelines.  

Will I see a reduction in P-EBT benefits if my child is engaged in hybrid learning?
If you choose hybrid learning for your student, the amount awarded in P-EBT benefits will decline from $117.20 to $58.60. This decline will not take place if your student remains in remote learning.

Will my child be required to get the flu vaccine?
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is removing the requirement for flu vaccination for attendance in childcare/preschool, primary, secondary and postsecondary education. Preliminary data show that this has been a mild flu season to date, presumably as people have received their seasonal flu vaccine and have been adhering to mask-wearing and social distancing due to COVID-19. Given the intensive Commonwealth-wide efforts regarding COVID-19 vaccination, DPH wants to alleviate the burden to obtain flu vaccination and focus on continuing our COVID -19 vaccination efforts. DPH continues to strongly recommend that everyone age six months and older receive their seasonal flu vaccine each year. 

Will there be after-school programs after February 1?
At this point, we cannot implement before- and after-school programs due to health and safety concerns. It is our hope that we can resume these programs before the end of the school year. This will depend on the status of COVID-19 in our community.

Is antigen testing available?
Yes, we now have BinaxNow antigen testing available. This is a very accurate test for people who are symptomatic or believe they may have COVID-19. The test is available in each school’s nurse’s office and merely requires consent from the parent/guardian to administer it to students. The results are available in 15 minutes.  

Is there any additional testing available?
Malden Public Schools has applied to be part of the Governor’s offer to do “pool testing” in the schools.  We will update the community once that information is available.  

Reopening Archive

MPS Reopening | Archived Information

Guidance from the Department of Education

On Thursday, June 25th, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) released their initial Return to School Guidance for school reopening this fall (see links). The guidance prioritizes the opportunity for in-person learning, with comprehensive health and safety requirements.  In partnership with city leadership, we are evaluating all DESE guidelines as we work to develop our district’s reopening plan. We are reviewing feedback from our Remote Learning survey and Reopening survey conducted in June and July, as well as seeking additional feedback form staff and community members throughout the summer.  Thank you for your continued feedback.

Links to DESE Guidance Documents

DESE Press release: Summary of Guidance (June 25, 2020)

DESE Initial Guidance (July 25, 2020)

DESE Additional Guidance  (July 10, 2020)

DESE Frequently Asked Questions (July 10, 2020)

DESE Protocols for Responding to COVID-19 Scenarios (July 17, 2020)

MPS Reopening Plan

Malden Public Schools has developed a plan for the 2020-21 school year. Along with the guidance from the Department of Elementary and Second Educations (DESE), the plan has been informed by the most recent health guidelines and recommendations, putting the health and safety of students, staff, and families at the forefront of our planning process.

MPS Reopening Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Dec 18, 2020: Updated Reopening Timeline

MPS Reopening Plan 2020-2021

Recent Survey Results and Presentations

Initial MPS Reopening Survey Results 2020

MPS Listening Session Presentation:

April Vacation Week Activities

Malden Public Schools
April Vacation Week Activities

Message to Malden Public Schools Families:
April 21-24 marks the official April vacation week, and although teachers might not be officially online, we understand that some families may be looking for activities to keep students engaged.   We have worked on providing a schedule of activities (below) to keep the learning going throughout the break. Teachers will not be collecting or grading this work, but please feel free to draw upon the activities and use them as they fit your family’s needs.  We look forward to officially welcoming you back on April 27th!

PreK and Up
Lesley University Learning Activities PreK-5
WGBH Distance Learning for Families
Check out the K-5 activities below as well.  Many can be adapted for preschoolers!

K-5 Activities

Monday, April 20



April 21

Wed., April 22



April 23

Friday, April 24
ELA TODAY is a HOLIDAY, but iXL and iReady are always ready for learning! Log in and keep that learning going! 

Read for 30-60 minutes.  Check out William Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem, Paul Revere’s Ride


Today is Patriots’ Day! What is Patriots’ Day and why is it celebrated in Massachusetts?  Take some time to look it up and create a poster that explains Patriot’s Day to a family member unfamiliar with the holiday.

iReady iReady iReady iReady
Math IXL








Social Studies Virtual Field Trips Login Info  

Virtual Field Trip: Let’s learn about the government

Virtual Field Trip:

The First Americans 

Virtual Field Trip: 

The Geography of Our Communities

Virtual Field Trip: 

Land and Water Around Us

Science IXL & Gizmos IXL & Gizmos

Today is Earth Day!

Check out National Geographic Kids to see how you can celebrate Earth Day and care for our world! National Geo. Kids

IXL & Gizmos IXL & Gizmos
Health / Wellness ActiveHome: Grades 3-5 ActiveHome_MS ActiveHome_HS See Monday – Thursday for Grade Level ActiveHome Movement Activities.
Exploratory (art, music, computers, etc.) STEM /TEch Ed Challenge: How strong is a Piece of Paper? (K-4) Offline activity

STEM/TECH Ed Challenge: PBS Build Big (5-8) Offline Activity

Check out WGBH’s wealth of resources.  Choose a grade span and watch dozens of interactive activities pop up!

WGBH Family Learning Activities

Check out other Earth Day activities in the section below!

K-8: Computers

Typing.com (reinforce good keyboarding habits)

Online Activity

Have a pet?  Or a photo of an animal you would love to have as a pet?  Take some time to study your pet (or the photo of your selected animal), then draw your pet using crayons, markers, or pencil.  Write a sentence about what makes your pet special. 

Don’t forget – WGBH has a wealth of fun, engaging resources organized by subject and grade level.  This site is easy to navigate – enjoy the exploration!  WGBH Distance Learning for Families

Still want more?  Check out the activities below – many of them can be adapted for younger learners!

Grades 6-12
Projects to Beat Boredom 


National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month and April 30th is “Poem in Your Pocket Day.”  
Check out poets.org for some cool suggestions on how to celebrate.
Search through the collection of poems (they are organized by theme, poet, and occasion) and pick one – or a few – that speak to you. Create a poster that includes the poem and an illustration. On the back of the poster, tell a little bit about why you chose that poem.  Or, consider writing your own poem about what you’re experiencing in the world right now.


Earth Day 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Earth Day is meant to be a day for the world to remember the importance of the earth and celebrate environmental protection. This year is particularly noteworthy as it is the 50th anniversary since the day was officially created in 1970. 
For information on the Earth Day, and activities for you to be involved, go to these sites:


Heroes All Around
Mr. Rogers is quoted as saying, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

Take a few moments to watch the news.  Among all of the scary things in the news, can you see the helpers?  Who are they? Choose one of those helpers and write a letter to them – you might want to let them know how much you appreciate their work and why, or you might want to express how brave you think they are and why, or you might even just want to give them a few words of comfort and support.  Perhaps the “helper” is someone living with you – they could use a few kind words as well. If you know the helper you are writing to, you might consider sharing your words with them. If you don’t know the helper you are writing to, just know that expressing your gratitude on paper might help make you feel a little more positive about the world.


Kindness Challenge
Can you give a gift each day for a whole month?  It is tougher than it sounds! Consider doing a Kindness Challenge with your friends.  You need a piece of paper to log your activity. Next, here is what you need to do:

    1. Each day, think about what “gift” you would like to give.  Examples include: Making a phone call to a family member you haven’t seen in a while; giving a compliment to a sibling (or keeping quiet instead of giving an unkind word!); helping with a chore that you weren’t asked to do, etc.
    2. Once you think about the gift and do it, enter it onto your log.  Make note of the date and the “gift” for the day and start to think about possible gifts for the following day.
    3. If you miss a day, you have to go back and start all over again at Day 1!
    4. At the end of your month of giving, write about the following:
        1. How did it make you feel to give to others?
        2. What was your favorite gift to give and why?
        3. Did you notice a change in yourself over the month?  Explain.

(Adapted from 29gifts.org)


Explore the Ocean
Developed by the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History and more than 20 collaborating organizations, this unique, interactive online source of stories, videos, games, and amazingly beautiful images is devoted to ocean life, ecosystems, and ocean science. Click here to get started!

Google Ocean – As part of Google Earth, this ocean layer allows students to explore the depths of the ocean, view content from marine experts, discover surf and dive spots, and even check out 3-dimensional views of shipwrecks like the Titanic. Visit the Earth here!


PBS Build Big Challenges (Offline Activity)
Use materials found around your  home to build a Dome, Bridge, Skyscraper, or Dam.


Personal Finance/Post School planning (grades 9-12)
Payback: A financial simulator game that helps you plan how to pay back your student loan.


Simulation game to experience what is is like to run a business

Live Science Class with Mark Rober (Youtube) Science level varies. Appropriate for grades 9-12, though grades 6-8 would enjoy.
Mark Rober is a former NASA engineer who now creates content on Youtube. Many know him for his over the top experiments/ engineer designs (like can you swim in jello?), but check out these live Science lessons  he started creating which feature challenges at the end of each video. Lessons last 20-30 minutes.


EL Resources/Activities
Login to Imagine Learning – Challenge yourself to 30 minutes a day!

ESL at Home tech free (8 weeks, translations available) https://eslathome.edublogs.org/?fbclid=IwAR31F-8IrTpKX4r7LpMV9slNARogfT4cCS0UGYA7kInFnG019S78vHNCb6c


Virtual Field Trips 
Login Information


Don’t forget – WGBH has a wealth of fun, engaging resources organized by subject and grade level.  This site is easy to navigate – enjoy the exploration!  
WGBH Distance Learning for Families

Coronavirus Information

Coronavirus Information

Massachusetts 2-1-1 – Massachusetts residents are urged to use 2-1-1 for information, resources, and referrals regarding COVID-19. Operators are staffing this hotline 24/7 and translators are available in multiple languages.  Residents with questions can dial 2-1-1 from any landline or cellphone or use the live chat option on the https://mass211.org

Superintendent’s Letter to MPS Families Dated March 29, 2020

Superintendent’s Letter to MPS Families Dated March 16, 2020
Available in:
Haitian Creole

Superintendent’s Letter on School Closure Dated March 12, 2020
Available in:
Haitian Creole

Superintendent’s Letter to MPS Families Dated March 11, 2020

Superintendent’s Letter to MPS Families Dated March 5, 2020
Available in:
Haitian Creole

CDC Resource: Coronavirus-Disease 2019 (Covid-19)  and Children

Malden Public Schools Sick Day Guidelines

City of Malden Health Department: Updates and Information

MA Department of Public Health – Coronavirus Webpage
Center’s for Disease Control & Prevention Updates

MA Department of Health Coronavirus Fact Sheets
Avaliable in:
Traditional and Simplified Chinese
Haitian Creole