Our goal is to maintain a safe environment for children to learn. P L E A S E, help us to protect you and your children when coming back to our school.
Students and Families take an active role in trying to keep everyone safe by being honest about symptoms and when they started and not sending kids to school sick. This is crucial to us being able to continue in person learning.
Everyone must do their part to protect others and follow these guidelines!
- Check Daily for symptoms before coming to school
MPS COVID-19 Daily Self Checklist
Students must stay home if they are not feeling well, or have symptoms of illness.
- Please, notify your child’s school nurse with any symptoms of Covid19
- Call your healthcare provider for further instructions.
- Self isolate for 10 days, self monitor and get tested for Covid 19.
- If tested positive, call school for close contact tracing.
- Mask/face covering must be worn at all times covering nose and mouth for grades K-12 and strongly encouraged for PreK
- Covid-19 is spread primarily through droplets that come from the nose and mouth when people cough, sneeze, and speak.
- The wearing of masks helps prevent the spread of droplets from landing in the eyes, mouth, or mucous membranes of other persons in close contact with infected persons.
- Exceptions will be made for students with medical, behavioral, or other challenges who are unable to wear masks/face coverings **contact your school nurse for more information about this.
- You should provide your child with a mask to wear on the way to school and during the school day and send an extra mask in their backpack.
- No gators or mask with valves allowed
- Please label each mask with your child’s name
- Provide small paper bag for mask breaks during the day
- Cloth masks should be washed daily
Family Educations Sheet available here:
Helping your child wear a mask Parents of young children
- Keep your physical distance – whenever possible
- Physical distance means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people who are not from your household.
- As COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, distance between individuals reduces risk.
- In classroom settings, six feet of separation is recommended when feasible. When six feet is not feasible, a minimum of three feet of distance is acceptable as long as everyone is wearing a mask.
- Your school will likely assign seats or designate cohorts of students to help mitigate the transmission of the virus.
- Please encourage your child to follow these instructions
- Hand Hygiene –Use soap and water or hand sanitizer
- Upon arrival to school
- Touching any mucous membranes (eye, nose, mouth)
- Going towards your face (adjusting glasses, fixing your mask)
- Before eating
- Before drinking
- After going to the bathroom
- If hands are visibly soiled
- Before putting on and taking off masks
- Before dismissal
Please help your child learn to wash hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer for twenty seconds at a time. Video here – What You Need to Know About Handwashing.