Malden SEPAC
Special Education Parent Advisory Council
We are an established SEPAC, whose focus is that of enhancing the parental voice in Special Education in the City of Malden. Our mission is to promote a family-school relationship of mutual involvement and respect. Our primary consideration is the well-being of the student, regardless of disability, culture or background.
Advance the public school education of children with Special Needs
Promote meaningful parent-participation
Advise and support at the school, district, and state levels
Governed by elected board members that volunteer.
Assisted by school district, teachers, students and parent volunteers.
Collectively we represent hundreds of Malden parents with Special Needs children.
We ensure that parents have a strong voice in their child’s education.
We ensure that the Malden Public Education system remains focused on the needs of its students.
We support parents in navigating the Special Education system as they exercise their rights and the rights of their children.
We hold regular meetings to discuss Special Education issues.
Date: January 30, 2024
Location: Forestdale School and Zoom
Topic: Malden SEPAC January Meeting: Anti-Bullying Training for Parents and Caregivers
Overview: Johanne Pino from Massachusetts Advocates for Children discussed the importance of addressing bullying in schools, particularly in relation to students with disabilities. She emphasized the role of the anti-bullying law in addressing the needs of all students and the necessity of comprehensive training for school staff to prevent and address bullying. She also explained the process for filing a bullying complaint with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and discussed the impacts of bullying on students. The team then discussed a case study involving a third-grade girl with autism who was experiencing bullying and worked on strategies to help her feel less vulnerable and develop social skills.
Link to recording:https: //
Presentation Slides: Attached here
Contact Us
Malden SEPAC Officers 2023-2024
Jackie Ecker, President
Jessica Langton and Heather Barry, Vice Presidents
Amanda Ceide, Secretary
Vacant, Treasurer
Malden SEPAC Advisory Board
Salima Slimane, Past President of Malden SEPAC and Parent Advisor
Imene Bouziane Saidi, Past Vice President of Malden SEPAC and Education Consultant
Marilyn Andrews, Past President of Malden SEPAC
November 13, 2023 SEPAC Meeting: Presentation by Elliot Community Services about the mental health services to support our children and students
Presentation: Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative
Zoom recording:
Upcoming Events
- District
- High School
- MHS Athletic Events
- Beebe
- Ferryway
- Forestdale
- Linden STEAM
- Salemwood
- Early Learning Center