Early Learning Center: Ms. Tamara Lawrence, Principal
Linden S.T.E.A.M. Academy: Mr. Rafael Garcia, Principal
Beebe School K-8: Dr. Kari-Ann Murphy, Principal
Ferryway School K-8: Dr. Matthew Stahl, Principal
Forestdale School K-8: Mr. Adam Weldai, Principal
Salemwood School K-8: Ms. Van Huynh, Principal
Malden High School: Mr. Christopher Mastrangelo, Principal
Gerard Tannetta: Director of History/Social Studies, Visual and Performing Arts
Heather Castonguay: Director of ELA/World Language
Charles Conefrey: Director of Athletics, Physical Education / Health
Erin Craven: Director of Guidance
Dr. Douglas Dias: Director of STEM 6-12
Cara Hovhanessian: Director of STEM K-5
Carmen Livesay: Director of English Language Education and Title III
Martha Jancaitis: Director of Literacy and Title I
Patricia Tramondozzi: Director of Nursing