Entries by sdorai

Back to School Information

Dear Malden Public Schools Families and Caregivers, Welcome to the 2021-22 school year! We are thrilled to welcome back our students for full-time, in-person learning. As your new superintendent, I am eager to get to know all of you and your students. The first day of school for grades PreK, 1-12 is Wednesday, September 1. […]

Caregiver Survey

Dear Malden Families, As we continue to plan for the upcoming school year, there are many factors to consider when it comes to creating school environments that ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff. Now, we are looking for your input and feedback to assist us with this important process. Please complete […]

Malden Out-of-School Time (MOST) Program

Dear MPS Caregivers and Families, First, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Ligia Noriega-Murphy, the new superintendent for the Malden Public Schools. I know that many of you are eager to hear our plans for our before- and after-school programs for the 2021-22 school year. While we will […]

In-Person/Virtual – Community Town Hall Meeting on July 31, 2021

Dear Malden Public Schools Families, It is an honor to serve as your next superintendent here in the Malden Public Schools. I am eager to begin working with our school leaders, school staff, parents, and School Committee members. I am especially excited to meet our students and families. If you see me around, please stop […]

Superintendent’s Letter

Dear Malden Public Schools Community, I hope that our students, families, staff, and community members are having a safe and enjoyable summer. I am writing to share some important updates from the Malden Public Schools regarding six hires we have made to fill key positions in our district. Below you will find some more information […]

Second Vaccination Clinic at Schools

Malden Public Schools Families, This is a reminder to families who received their first dosage of the Pfizer vaccine last month.  You need to click on the link below to schedule your time for your second vaccine. There are plenty of appointment times available.  This is only for people who will receive their second dose […]

Onsite COVID-19 Vaccination

Malden Public Schools Families, We are happy to announce that we are partnering with Pelmeds Pharmacy to offer the 2 dose Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination series to our students ages 12 and up. Their team of vaccinators will come onsite to our school to provide immunizations next week. Appointments can be reserved by utilizing the links […]

COVID-19 Pooled Testing for K- 8 Students

Dear MPS Families,   We will begin weekly SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Pooled testing for K- 8 students beginning Monday May 3, 2021. Pooled testing is an additional mitigation strategy beyond staying home when sick, wearing masks, hand hygiene and physical distancing.  The Pooled test is quick, easy and does not hurt.  It is a gentle nasal […]