Special Education for Parents Advisory Council VIRTUAL workshop on “Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility” on Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Join the Special Education for Parents Advisory Council 

for a VIRTUAL workshop on

“Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility”


Registration Link: https://fcsn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuceispzIjG9wdDywp0umKpZWZQq2nMfV0

Once you register, you will get the Zoom link

Open to all Malden school families whether your child is currently on a 504 or IEP or whether you have questions about how to have your child evaluated.

It will be run by the Federation for Children with Special Needs (fcsn.org).

It will provide all parents/caregivers/guardians with a comprehensive introduction to special education laws and procedures.

It will cover:

• the purpose of the law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), among others
• when and how to make a referral or request an evaluation
• evaluations available
• the Team meeting process, and how schools and parents can work together to set goals
• standards for determining eligibility
• services and placements, from speech and language therapy to inclusion, etc
• what to do if the team decides the student is not eligible
• what happens after the close of the Team meeting
• parent’s response options to an IEP
• procedural due process rights for resolving disputes