Annual Student Information Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As we continue to ensure the best possible experience for your child, we kindly request that you complete our Annual Student Information Update. This process is crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date information about your child in our school records. We ask that you complete this process by March 31.

Only one caregiver needs to complete this for each student. You will need to repeat this process for each of your students. 

In this process, you will review and update the following details:

  • Student information
  • Contact information (phone numbers, email addresses)
  • Medical information
  • Any other relevant updates

To complete this process, please login to your Aspen Family Portal using a computer, laptop, iPad or chromebook (please do not use your cell phone to do this). Once in Aspen, click on the +Initiate button under Start a new Annual Student Information Update. Detailed instructions on how to complete this process can be found by language at the to the right.

By reviewing and confirming this information you are helping us to provide the highest level of care and support possible for your child. If you do not know your Aspen login information or have other questions about this process or need support, please contact your student’s for assistance. Be sure to complete the process by March 31.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support.

Malden Public Schools