Title I Family Resource Center
The mission of the Title I Family Resource Center is to support parents and other caregivers in getting involved in their children’s education. We hope to strengthen communication between home and school.
Goals of the Title I Family Resource Center
- Provide family friendly activities where families can learn and interact together.
- Outreach to all parents including those who may speak other languages and those with children with disabilities.
- Provide parents and guardians information about how they can support their children at home and in school.
- Use multiple forms of communication to outreach to parents.
Who are our Title I Family Coordinators? What do they do?
Patti Amirault and Lisa Hammersley are our Title I Family Coordinators. They help organize and facilitate all of the parent workshops, classes, and family events we hold all year long. They also develop and distribute printed materials for parents throughout the school year. They also are available to any parent or guardian to help answer questions or facilitate communication with the schools.
Where is the Title I Family Resource Center located?
The Title I Family Resource Center is located at 110 Pleasant Street (side entrance). We are often traveling between schools and at various events and meetings. Please email Patti Amirault at pamirault@maldenps.org or Lisa Hammersley at lhammersley@maldenps.org.
What activities can I get involved in?
Every month you’ll find us at monthly morning breakfast workshops or family night events. Please come and introduce yourself to us.
We are always looking for parents who are willing to help other parents and at our events. Please email us or give us a call.
Join us on Facebook!
Like Malden Families Facebook page. We update the page with pictures, resources for parents, and links to family friendly activities in the community. https://www.facebook.com/Malden-Families-141563825915572/
Read our School and Community Resource Guide
Contact Us:
Victoria Mulkern | Director of Literacy and Title I | vmulkern@maldenps.org | |
Kerri Surette | Administrative Assistant | ksurette@maldenps.org | |
Patti Amirault | Title I Family Coordinator | pamirault@maldenps.org | |
Lisa Hammersley | Title I Family Coordinator | lhammersley@maldenps.org |
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