Superintendent’s Message

Dear Malden Public Schools Community,

This statement is being issued to clarify the circumstances around the non-renewal letters that went out to some staff in the district this week.

As in past years, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 71 § Section 41 and in accordance with our contractual obligations, the district is required to issue non-renewal letters to some staff due to different circumstances.

These decisions are not made lightly as the district understands that it affects people’s lives and has an impact on students. The decision is made by school and district administration teams collaboratively based on student needs within the framework of the budget.

To clarify, there were 63 non-renewal letters issued this week. The table below highlights the circumstances surrounding those letters and the positions that will be returning next year:

63 Total Non-Renewal Letters
36 Staff who were non-renewed for next school year based on performance/evaluation, or lack of MA educator licensure.  All of these positions will be posted to hire staff for next school year.
7 Staff returning to their positions from 1 year leaves of absences thereby displacing temporary hires.
11 Positions temporarily supported by ESSER grant funding for COVID relief. These positions will not be posted for next school year as our students are now back in school full-time. 
9 Positions that are being eliminated due to low enrollment or programmatic changes within the district. 

This table does not include the Title 1 assistant positions (ELL (2), Literacy (25), and Math (15)) who received letters notifying them of their end-of-contract date for this school year. These positions are grant funded and require yearly application. All of these staff members will be invited to reapply for their positions as they have done in past years. In addition, due to the increased programmatic needs of English Language Learners, we are adding 7 new positions to our schools.

Malden Public Schools is greatly appreciative of all the dedicated educators and staff who serve the needs of our students and community.



Dr. Noriega-Murphy