Entries by tmeagher

Health Curriculum Listening Session, March 20

Health Curriculum Listening Session: On Thursday, March 20, the Malden Public Schools Wellness department will host a virtual listening session for parents and caregivers as part of their K-12 Health Curriculum Review Process. In the session, caregivers will be asked to weigh in on developing a comprehensive, skills-based health curriculum that empowers our students with critical […]

MOST Summer Program Registration

Summer is coming! Current Malden Out-Of-School Time (MOST) families can now register for the MOST summer program. This program runs from June 23-August 1 and is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Students are enrolled on a weekly basis with tuition of $275 per week per student (there is a 10% […]

MPS March Food Service Menus

Please see our March Food service menus to review breakfast and lunch offerings for our students. Reminder: monthly menus and nutrition information can be found HERE.

Salemwood Donates

A big thank you to Salemwood’s Grade 6 teacher, Penny Kalman, the Grade 6 team, and everyone who donated to Bread of Life.                                    This year our Salemwood community really came out in full force to donate all these […]

November Edition of The Blue and Gold

The latest edition of the Malden Blue and Gold, produced by students at Malden High School, is out! Read the November news to learn all about what’s going on at Malden High and beyond.