Aspen Caregiver Portal
Welcome to the Malden Public Schools caregiver portal help page. To help keep lines of communication open between schools and families and to help families stay informed about their student’s progress, MPS is offering free caregiver portal access.
What is the Caregiver Portal?
The caregiver portal is the way caregivers start the process to register their child for enrollment in the Malden Public Schools. Once registered in MPS, the portal provides access for parents and guardians to see assignments, test grades, attendance, and assessment results for their students. Parents and Guardians have separate accounts from their students.
How do I get an account with a username and password?
Caregivers who are registering students for school can create an ASPEN account the first time they log into the site by clicking, ‘Request an Account’. Caregivers will then be asked to chosse ‘I am a parent/guardian registering my child online’, and provide an email address/username and password. Once a username and password are generated, caregivers will receive a verification email to confirm their account.
Caregivers who have children already in the schools and who may never have logged into the Portal can also click ‘Request an Account’ on the ASPEN main landing page. From there, caregivers can choose the option ‘Click here to have the account validation email resent’. After inputting an email address associated with a child’s account, caregivers will receive a verification email to confirm their account.
How do I access the Caregiver Portal?
From a Computer
To access the family portal from a computer, go to
From a Mobile Device
To access the family portal you can either download Follett Notifications app here from the Apple store or here from Google Play store
When logging in for the first time, follow these steps:
- Go to (Be sure the log in box says Malden Public Schools)
- Click on ‘Request an Account’.
- You will be asked if you are a.) registering a student for the first time or b.) already have a student(s) in the MPS system and just need an email verification sent.
- If you are registering a student for the first time, you will input an email/username, a password, and security questions in order to receive a verification email.
- If you are solely looking for a verification email, you will input your email address and then receive the verification email.
- Once you click the link in the verification email, you can log in to the portal using the email and password you created!
Tour the Family Portal in the video below
Hover hover the blue dots to see tips below

Type in your temporary password provided by the password retrieval email.
Create a new password. Be sure to follow the password requirements.

It is important to provide a current personal email address.
Be sure to pick a question you will remember the answer to. This question will help you recover your password in case you forget it.
Family Portal FAQ
General Questions
Who can have a family portal account
Legal guardians are the only ones who can have access to a family portal account.
Is this same account shared with my student?
No. The family portal account is separate from a student account. You will get your own account, and your student will have their own account.
I have more than 1 student in MPS. Do I need multiple accounts?
No. Your account should show all students’ information. If you only see one student, please make sure your primary email account is the same for all your students attending MPS. You can update your contact information on the main portal landing page by clicking, ‘Initiate student information update’. If the email is the same for all your children and you are still not seeing all your students, please contact your school.
Is my student’s information safe?
Yes. Through protocols, software and certificates, MPS has taken the proper steps to keep your student’s data safe. You can keep your student’s data secure by not sharing your username and password.
Active Account Questions
My provided username and password won’t work.
Make sure you typed your username and password exactly as you created it when first registering. Passwords are case sensitive.
I forgot my password. Now what?
Click the “Forgot Password” link. A recovery option will be sent to your email you provided when you set up your account.
If the recovery link does not work, please contact your student’s school.
I forgot my username. Now what?
Click ‘request an account’ and input your connected email address to have your username sent to you.
My contact information or address is incorrect. Can I change it online?
Yes. Beginning in SY22-23, contact information can be changed on the caregiver portal by clicking the ‘Initiate Annual Student Information Update’ on the main dashboard. This can be done for one or more children.
What do the attendance codes mean?
A= Absent (unexcused)
A-E= Absent Excused
D= Dismissed (unexcused)
D-E= Dismissed Excused
AD= Absent Dismissed
T= Tardy
S= Suspension
I don’t see grades for all of my student’s classes.
Please contact a teacher or the school directly if you have questions about assignments or grades in specific classes.
Gradebook Codes
Ungraded- A teacher has not graded the assignment
EX- Excused
Abs- Absent
Why is my student’s grade is different on the portal than on their Report Card.
The report card is the official record of your student’s grades. Because of timing or when grades are entered, there may be times when the printed report card grade is different than the portal. Please contact the teacher and school with concerns.