Lunar New Year Celebration

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MPS January Food Service Menus

Please see our January Food service menus to review breakfast and lunch offerings for our students. Reminder: monthly menus and nutrition information can be found HERE.

January 2025 Menus

Field Day volunteers

Please use this link to volunteer for field day June 10th


September Lunch Menu

Sept Lunch Menu

Nurse Update

Good Afternoon Linden Families,


This is Mr. Garcia with a message from all families with an important message from school nurses.


If your child had medication in school such as daily medication, an epipen, or an inhaler in school or is currently receiving new medication. The school nurses must receive a new medication order from the doctor and a new signed parent permission form as well as the medication.  All medication must be brought into school by the guardian.  Do not send the medication in with your child, the medication must be handed to the nurses and counted together.  You can call the doctor’s office for a medication order and have them fax it to the nurses at (781) 388-0887, you can also email the nurses at or you can hand deliver it to the nurses on the first day back to school.  When you arrive at school please call us at either (781) 397-7014 or (781) 397-1511 and we will come out to meet you.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.  


Thank you,

Nurse Lauren and Nurse Nensi

February SEPAC meeting