Ms. Grondin
Hello, my name is Valerie Grondin. I have been working with children for over 15 years. I hold a B.S in Early Childhhod Education (PreK-3) from Wheelock College and a Masters in Elementary Education (1-6) from Lesley University. In addition to teaching first grade, my background includes working with children with special needs and teaching kindergarten. This is my fifth year teaching in Malden. This year will be a memorable one for your first grader!
Homework is given Monday thru Thursday. A spelling list Newsletter goes home on Monday with our spelling words and high frequemcy words. Please keep it in a safe place. We have a spelling quiz each friday. Homework is an important part of our curriculum. It provides review and reinforces concepts we are working on in the classroom. Homework is expected to be returned the next day.
In addition to written homework, students are expected to read for 15 minutes each night. Reading Logs are sent home at the beginning of each month and are returned completed and signed by an adult at the end of the month. Reading material can be found in the yellow reading folder. Reading material includes poems, mini books, decodable readers, and 10 Important Sentences. Please fill in the reading log each time your child reads at home.
Students are also encouraged to write in a home journal. In their journal, students should respond to books they have read at home. Parents should monitor writing and check for capitalization, punctaution, and correct grammar.
Homework Schedule
Spelling- Write your spelling words TWO Times. Practice them daily.
Reading- Read for 15 minutes.
Phonics- Practice of the phonics skills of the week.
Reading- Read for 15 minutes.
Math- Practice of math skills we are currently working on.
Reading- Read for 15 minutes.
Grammar- Practice of the grammar skill of the week and a writing assignment.
Reading- Read for 15 minutes.
Read over the weekend.
Exploratory Schedule
Monday- Music
Tuesday- Gym & library
Wednesday- Spanish
Thursday- Art
Friday- Computer
Discipline is one of the most important parts of the school day. If behavior is out of control, then learning is not possible. The Behavior Chart steps are as follows:
– Everyone starts each day with a green card.
– Yellow card warning (or if homework and/or folders do not come to school)
– Orange card 5 minute Time-out
– Blue 10 minutes off recess/note sent home
– Red 15 minutes off recess parent contact via note and or call home. Your child will also be sent to Principal’s office.
A monthly behavior contract is sent home in the blue folder. A square is colored daily indicating what color your child was on. Your child will have the opportunity to go back to green if they change their behavior and show they can make better choices. A full explanation of this system was sent home during the first week of school.
Room A216 Rules:
1. Work and play safely
2. Use walking feet inside
3. Follow directions
4. Respect others and their things
5. Use kind words
6. Use quiet words
7. Follow all school rules
8. Pay attention/listen to teacher
At Home
– A good breakfast
– A cheerful departure from home each morning
– Limit the amount of TV and try having a night without television.
– Read with your child every night.
– Support your child with his/her homework by providing a quiet, comfortable place for him/her to do it.
– 11 hours of sleep each night
Personal Belongings
Personal belongings need to be labeled with your child’s name. Your child should not bring valuables or games to school. Lunch bags, coats, sweaters, backpacks, etc. need names to help me find the rightful owner. Your child needs to bring their backpack and folders to school everyday. It will aid your child in carrying his/her belongings, classwork, correspondence, and homework to and from school. On a side note and in the name of safety: if your child doesn’t know how to tie his/her shoelaces, please practice lacing and tying their shoes at home.
Please place any money that comes to school in an envelope or baggie labeled with their names and what it is for (lunch, book order, fundraiser, etc.). Children at this age tend to lose money very easily and having their name on it will help.
At 2:30pm, students are required to go directly to the pick-up areas. Please wait at our drop off and pick up area. Make sure child knows who is picking them up. Supervision is not provided after school, please be prompt. Please make sure your child knows which mode of transportation he/she is taking to go home. If your child is being picked up, the name of the person who is picking up your child must be on the emergency card.
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