Resources for families


March 24, 2020


Hello Linden STEAM Academy Families, 


We hope this letter finds you healthy and safe.  We miss seeing our students’ smiling faces. We have created a K-4 daily schedule and a 5-8 daily schedule to help your child navigate through this challenging time.  There are links embedded in the schedule so that all you have to do is click and you will be brought to the correct site. We have also included some cool resources as well as links regarding food distribution or access to the internet. Please remember this work is for enrichment only!  Students will not be graded on this. These resources will enhance the work that students have learned this year. Please feel free to reach out to us via email if you have any questions or concerns. Please know we are thinking of you and are encouraging everyone to continue washing your hands and practice social distancing!  


Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or concerns


Stay Safe!

Mr. Garcia, Mrs. Scott & Mrs. Jones


  • Enrichment Resources– Malden Public Schools has created a list of enrichment activities to help maintain students current skill levels. 


  • Linden Schedules: If you are not sure what the day should look like try to follow one of these schedules to help out. These are to be used as a guide/suggestion please modify however you would like!


K-4 Students

5-8 Students






Need help accessing an account that is provided by Malden?

Please email us and we can help you quickly

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