
Science Department


Grade College Prep Honors/AP
9 Environmental Science CP Biology H
10 Biology CP


Chemistry H

Environmental Science H

Biotechnology H

Pathology H

11 Chemistry CP

Physics CP

Pathology CP

Marine Biology/Ecology CP

Forensic Science & Biotechnology CP

Biotechnology CP

Oceanography CP


Physics H

Marine Biology/Ecology H

Forensic Science & Biotechnology H

Biotechnology H

AP Chemistry

AP Biology

AP Physics I

Anatomy/Physiology H

Oceanography H

12  Science Electives AP Physics II

Biotechnology H

*The grade levels above identify suggested entry points for students but may vary due to student ability.




The Science Department seeks to develop students’ scientific understanding by striving for the following goals:

  • To develop profound and deep understanding of fundamental science by revealing the connections between and among powerful science ideas;
  • To promote and support scientific inquiry and to provide all students in all courses with challenging, interesting and stimulating science experiences;
  • To foster in students an appreciation for science as a fascinating, diverse and significant area of human inquiry by presenting science in real life situations and by using scientific techniques to model situations and solve real-life problems;
  • To develop confidence and competency in science problem-solving through multiple perspectives;
  • To instill an understanding and knowledge of the world, of matter, of biological systems, of the laws of the universe and of the complex interaction between inanimate and animate concerns;
  • To develop critical and analytical thought processes which enable students to interrelate the theoretical model and experimental observations;
  • To relate science skills and knowledge to an increasingly scientific and technological world, and to encourage students to make scientific, political and ethical decisions based on changes and growth in scientific knowledge in order in order to make responsible decisions;
  • To train students in basic laboratory techniques and procedures and to prepare students for further study in science and science-related fields.




Science Courses For Freshmen

Environmental Science                                                        Level: College Prep

#03493                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite: None

In this course, students will explore and investigate the interrelationships of the natural world, identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.  Students will participate in hands-on, laboratory and field investigations to apply scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies in order to better understand our natural systems and to critically think about environmental issues and potential solutions.



Biology I                                                                                Level: Honors

#03202                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisites:  Teacher recommendation with a grade of 75 or better in grade 8 science and math.        This is an in-depth course emphasizing major topics of biology that are outlined in the Massachusetts Frameworks for Science.   Specific areas of concern are the cell, genetics, biochemistry, life functions, and ecology.  The course concentrates on concepts that are supported by extensive laboratory experimentation, analysis and report writing.  Supplemental readings are used to enrich each topic.   Strategies to reach proficiency on the MCAS exam in Biology will be stressed


Science Courses for Upperclassmen

Biology I                                                                                Level: College Prep

#03213                                                                                    Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisites:  Successful completion of Environmental Science CP

This course is an introduction to biology and includes the major topics of biology that are outlined in the Massachusetts Frameworks for Science.  Specific areas of concern are the cell, genetics, biochemistry, life functions, and ecology.  A strong emphasis is placed on laboratory work, with a great deal of hands-on experience.  Strategies needed to successfully pass the Biology MCAS will be stressed.


Chemistry I                                                                           Level: College Prep

#03333                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  A minimum grade of 65 or better in all of the following:  Biology (Honors or College Prep), and Algebra I (Honors or College Prep).

This course is a study of matter, its composition, and its changes.  Among the topics covered are: physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases; atomic theory, periodicity and bonding, chemical nomenclature and equations, acid-base theory; thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, and electro-chemistry.  Students spend one-third of their time developing skills in laboratory technique, data analysis, and report writing.


Chemistry I                                                                           Level: Honors

#03322                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Minimum grade of 75 (C) in Biology Honors, or a grade of 80 (B-) in Biology College Prep and either a minimum grade of 70 (C) in Algebra I (Honors) or a grade of 80 (B-) in Algebra (College Prep) or teacher recommendation.

Topics covered in Chemistry I CP are included, but the course is faster paced, more comprehensive, and more quantitative than Chemistry I CP.  The text is more in-depth, calling for higher-level problem solving.  The course includes extensive laboratory investigation.  Teacher recommendation and a grade of A or B in math is strongly recommended.


Environmental Science                                                        Level: College Prep

#03483                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Environmental Science                                                        Level: Honors

#03482                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology at the CP level or better.  To earn honors credit, successful completion of Biology at the CP level (grade 75 or better) or Honors level (grade 65 or better) or teacher recommendation.

In this course, students will explore and investigate the interrelationships of the natural world, identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made, evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.  Students will participate in hands-on, laboratory and field investigations to apply scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies in order to better understand our natural systems and to critically think about environmental issues and potential solutions.


Physics I                                                                                Level: College Prep

#03423                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite: Grade of 70 in Chemistry CP or Environmental Science CP and Algebra I CP or teacher recommendation.

This course is an introduction to the basic principles and laws governing the behavior of the physical world.  Although the treatment follows the less mathematical approach in the course text (Hewitt, Conceptual Physics), mathematical skills at the level of Algebra 1 are essential.  Laboratory work will be integral part of the course.  This course is for juniors and seniors who have completed the prerequisites successfully and plan on continuing their science education beyond high school.


Physics I                                                                                Level: Honors

# 03412                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Grade of 70 in Chemistry Honors or Environmental Science Honors, and Algebra 1 Honors or teacher recommendation.

This course is an introduction to the basic principles and laws governing the behavior of the physical world.  Although the treatment follows the less mathematical approach in the course text (Hewitt, Conceptual Physics), mathematical skills at the level of Algebra 1 are essential.  Laboratory work will be integral part of the course.  This course is for juniors and seniors who have completed the prerequisites successfully and plan on continuing their science education beyond high school.


Biology /Evolution                                                               Level: College Prep

#03393                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Biology I and Chemistry I or Environmental Science, either Honors or College Prep.

This full year course will analyze the physical and biological aspects of marine life diversity and how such developments resulted in organisms on land.  This will be conducted by the investigating the relationship between structure and function in living systems at a variety of organizational levels, and recognize living systems’ dependence on natural selection. Students will explain and illustrate with examples how living systems interact with the biotic and abiotic environment.  As well as, analyze how various organisms grow, develop, and differentiate during their lifetimes based on interplay between genetics and their environment.  This class will involve many laboratory activities which include animal dissections.


Marine Biology /Evolution                                                 Level: Honors

#03392                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  A grade of 70 or better in Biology I Honors, and Chemistry I Honors or Environmental Science or grade of 70 or better in Biology I CP and Chemistry I CP or teacher recommendation.

This full year course will analyze the physical and biological aspects of marine life diversity and how such developments resulted in organisms on land.  This will be conducted by the investigating the relationship between structure and function in living systems at a variety of organizational levels, and recognize living systems’ dependence on natural selection. Students will explain and illustrate with examples how living systems interact with the biotic and abiotic environment.  As well as, analyze how various organisms grow, develop, and differentiate during their lifetimes based on interplay between genetics and their environment.  This class will involve many laboratory activities which include animal dissections.



Oceanography                                                                                  Level: College Prep

#03383                                                                                               Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Biology I and Chemistry I or Environmental Science, Honors.

This full year course deals with aspects of geology, chemistry, physics, climatology, environmental science and biology as they apply to the oceans.  Students will explore and investigate the interrelationships of the natural world, identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made   The goal of this class is to present ocean science in a social context and to give students the foundation needed to be intelligent participants in important societal discussions that involve environmental issues touching on oceans, climate and coastal zones.


Oceanography                                                                                  Level: Honors

 #03382                                                                                              Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  A grade of 70 or better in Biology I Honors, and Chemistry I Honors or Environmental Science or grade of 70 or better in Biology I CP and Chemistry I CP or teacher recommendation.

This full year course deals with aspects of geology, chemistry, physics, climatology, environmental science and biology as they apply to the oceans.  Students will explore and investigate the interrelationships of the natural world, identify and analyze environmental problems, both natural and human-made   The goal of this class is to present ocean science in a social context and to give students the foundation needed to be intelligent participants in important societal discussions that involve environmental issues touching on oceans, climate and coastal zones.


Anatomy/Physiology                                                           Level:  Honors

#03442                                                                                   Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Grade of 70 or better in Biology I CP and Chemistry I CP with teacher recommendation or 65 or better in Biology Honors and Chemistry Honors.

As an in-depth study of the detailed structure and function of the systems of the human-body, this course is designed for all students desiring to pursue a career in the medical or health sciences.  This course has a significant laboratory component, involving a great amount of required dissection.


Advanced Placement Science Courses


AP Biology                                                                            Level:  Advanced Placement

#03441                                                                                  Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

AP Biology Lab                                                                   Level: N/A

#03451                                                                                  Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisites:  Successful completion of Biology Honors and Algebra I Honors, and successful completion or co-enrolled in Chemistry Honors, and teacher recommendation.

This is a rigorous course in Biology that will lead to an understanding of the concepts and principles required for success on the AP Biology exam as well as future studies in Biology. This course follows a national curriculum and requires greater depth of understanding than traditional High School courses. The curriculum includes an in-depth study of the living systems of the cell, the organism, and the biosphere. Several required Advanced Placement labs form a major emphasis by which scientific information about these living systems is obtained. The most current developments in the field of biology are also covered and their impact on the future of medicine, genetics, and the environment are discussed. Upon passing the Advanced Placement Exam in Biology, the student may receive college credit, depending on the policy of the individual college. It is expected that students enrolled in this course will take the AP exam.


AP Chemistry            Level:  Advanced Placement

#03461                                                                                    Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

AP Chemistry Lab                                                                Level: N/A

#03471                                                                                    Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisites:      Successful completion or co-enrolled in Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry and successful completion of Physics I or recommendation of Physics instructor and concurrently enrolled in Calculus.

This is a rigorous and challenging college-level course that thoroughly covers the following Chemistry topics: matter, states of matter, chemical reactions, descriptive chemistry, kinetics, equilibria, and thermodynamics. This course follows a national curriculum and requires greater depth of understanding than traditional High School courses.  An emphasis on laboratory work and analysis of experimental data is required.  This course is designed for only those students who are planning to pursue a career in Mathematics, Science, or Engineering. Students may need to devote an additional four to six hours a week outside of class time to devote to homework, experiment completion, data collection, and analysis of data.


AP Physics I                                                                          Level:  Advanced Placement

#03411                                                                                    Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of, or co-enrolled in Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry, successful completion of Physics I with teacher recommendation or recommendation of Physics instructor, and concurrently enrolled in Calculus.

This rigorous Physics course is designed for only those students who are planning to pursue a career in Mathematics, Science, or Engineering.  Course content will include an in-depth study of classical mechanics.  Extensive laboratory activities will be an integral part of this course.  Students will also be given opportunity to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Physics I.  Possible college credit may be obtained by students should they perform well on this exam and throughout the course.


AP Physics II                                                                        Level:  Advanced Placement

#03041                                                                                    Credit:  1.0 (Full-year)

Prerequisite:  Successful completion of, or co-enrolled in Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry, successful completion of AP Physics I with teacher recommendation or recommendation of Physics instructor, and concurrently enrolled in Calculus.


This rigorous Physics course follows AP Physics I.  The course is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course that explores topics such as fluid statics and dynamics; thermodynamics with kinetic theory; PV diagrams and probability; electrostatics; electrical circuits with capacitors; magnetic fields; electromagnetism; physical and geometric optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics. Through inquiry-based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills.  Students will also be given opportunity to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Physics II.  Possible college credit may be obtained by students should they perform well on this exam and throughout the course.


AP Environmental Science                                                  Level: Advanced Placement

#03481                                                                                    Credit: 1.0 (Full-year) Prerequisites: Successful completion of Chemistry, Biology, and Algebra II, and teacher recommendation.

The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, science and one year of physical science (for example, a year of biology and a year of chemistry).  Due to the quantitative analysis that is required in the course, students should also have taken at least one year of algebra.  Because of the prerequisites, AP Environmental Science will usually be taken in either the junior or senior year.


Science Department Electives

Independent Research – Science                                                   Level:  College Prep

#03993                                                                                   Credit: 0.5 (Semester Course) Independent Research – Science                                                              Level: Honors

#03992                                                                                   Credit:  0.5 (Semester course)

Prerequisite:  A student may take this course with parental permission, teacher recommendation and permission of the principal.

Students must submit a detailed outline and timeline of their independent study project, which must be approved within the first two weeks of the semester.  A course credit and grade will be awarded based on successful completion of the independent study project.  Tufts Graduate Fellows from the Engineering Department and the Computer Science Department can be available for technical support in developing this project.


Forensics                                                                   Level:  College Prep                         

#03033                                                           Credit: 0.5 (Semester)         

Forensics                                                                   Level: Honors                      

#03032                       Credit: 0.5 (Semester)

Prerequisites: Grade 11 or 12 and successful completion of Biology and Chemistry or Environmental Science

Forensic science is the application of biological, chemical and physical science principles for the purposes of understanding and solving civil and criminal legal issues. Students will study methods and practices commonly used in the examination of physical evidence by forensic scientists in civil and criminal crime scene investigations. Students will explore and understand the methods of investigating a crime scene, types of evidence, and the analysis of evidence. Possible topics include fingerprints, hair and fibers, glass, ballistics, time and mechanism of death, drug identification and toxicology, handwriting, forgery/counterfeiting, casts and impressions, fire and arson, soil, forensic anthropology, and blood. This course is designed to familiarize students planning on or interested in careers in criminal justice or related fields with methods and practices used by forensic scientists.  Students will explore the fundamental principles of biotechnology used in forensic analysis. Ethical, social, and legal implications associated with biotechnology and forensic analysis will be explored through case studies, student research, discussion, debate, and examination of current events.


Biology of Disease (Pathology)                  Level: College Prep

 03922                                                                                     Credit: 0.5 (Semester course)

Biology of Disease (Pathology)                  Level: Honors

#03922                                                                                   Credit: 0.5 (Semester course)

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology.

This semester course is designed explore the various biological principles involved in study of disease (pathology).  Students will spend time learning about causes, symptoms, and treatments of Genetic, Viral, and Bacterial diseases.  The course will emphasize what happens when normal body functions are disrupted by disease either inherited or acquired.  The course will also spend time looking at disease distribution, prevention, and its global effect.


Biotechnology                                                                       Level: College Prep

#03823                                                                                   Credit: 0.5 (Semester course)

Biotechnology                                                                       Level: Honors

#03822                                                                                   Credit: 0.5 (Semester course)

Prerequisite:  Grade 11 or 12 and successful completion of Biology and Chemistry or Environmental Science.

Students will explore the fundamental principles of biotechnology, career pathways and biotechnology business applications (medical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural).  Topics of study include: plant tissue culturing; DNA, RNA, and protein technologies; genetic diagnostics; healthcare and pharmaceuticals; food processing (GMO’s); fermentation technology; energy and environmental management; forensic science; cloning; stem cells; and bioethics.  Ethical, social, and legal implications associated with biotechnology will be explored through case studies, student research, discussion, debate, and examination of current events. Laboratory activities reinforce concepts and principles presented, and will include chromatography, electrophoresis, enzyme studies, DNA extraction, and PCR simulation.


Peer Tutoring in Science                                                     Level: College Prep

#03903                                                                                   Credit: 0.5 (Semester course)

Prerequisite: Biology CP with a minimum average of 85 and teacher recommendation, or approval of principal/director.

Tutors will be assigned to a science class where they will work with students under the direction of a science teacher.  Tutors will assist the teacher by guiding small groups or individuals through science activities, clarifying science concepts, encouraging students to stay on-task, and modeling exceptional behavior.  Select this elective course if you want to make a difference in the lives of others.  Peer interaction can have a powerful influence on academic motivation and achievement and both the tutor and tutee can benefit.