Malden High School-Pathways


Traditional and Non-Traditional Approaches to earn a MALDEN High School Diploma

Goal: To provide within a single organizational unit, an array of educational, counseling, outreach, transitional programs, and services to students who require an alternative to the regular day program at Malden High School.

Philosophy: All students have a right to an education which meets each individual’s needs and unique style of learning.


Credit Options:

Traditional Classroom Setting                         Bunker Hill Community College

Internships                                                      On-Line Courses

Portfolio Study                                                Independent Study

Work Study                                                     External Learning


Program Requirements:

*It is the intent that all students will pass MCAS/ELA, Mathematics, and Science

*Students will meet curriculum based standards for course completion

*Complete courses and Internship

*Complete BHCC requirement


Course Descriptions:

Students will receive instruction in academic studies and daily social skills.  Skills are taught not as an end in themselves, but rather in their relation to educational, technical, and vocational training within the community.  Course credit is obtained with permission from Principal at Malden High School.