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Van Huynh
-Assistant Principals:
Ewald Jean Charles
Lauren McGonagle
Jane Wright
Administrative Assistants:
-Deb Teneriello (K-4) 781-388-0643
-Tammy Depersis (5-8) 781-388-0647
Support team:
-Diane Dmytryk School social worker for Grades 6, 7, 8
-Ryan Durney School social worker for Grades 3, 4, 5
-Julie Checca School social worker for Grades KF, 1, 2,3
-Deb Spadafora School nurse
-Vonette Rich School nurse
-Karyn Roy/Marion Mallett BCBA/ RBT
- Our first week back to school has been a great success! Thank you kindly for making arrangements to drop off and pick up your child on time. We truly appreciate that!
- School hours:
Kindergarten- Grade 6: 8:15am-2:15pm
Grade 7 & Grade 8: 8am-2:20pm
- Parent/Guardian needs to completely fill out, sign and return these 4 forms ASAP:
-Complete lunch form filled out and returned (1 form per family/household)
-Student/family handbook consent form signed (in 2 spots) and returned.
-AUD (Acceptable Use Policy) form signed and return.
-Emergency form filled out and return.
- If your child is going to be out sick and/or absent from school, please call or email to report his/her/them absence. Please also report any upcoming extended absences/vacations.
- If your child is absent or tardy from school, you will receive a ConnectEd from our school informing you of that. This form of communication is helpful to ensure that our students’ whereabouts are safely accounted for.
- Please report/share any updated telephone numbers to the school so we can update your child’s contact list; it is extremely important for us to be able to reach you in case of emergency.
- If you moved or changed address, please provide us with a recent gas/electric bill that shows your name and new address.
- For safety reasons, hooded sweatshirts are allowed in school, however, students cannot wear the hoods up during school. We need to ensure that we can recognize our students in our school at all times.
- All student’s cell phones are required to be turned off and placed in lockers (Grade 5-8, locks are provided) during school hours. If you need to reach your child during school hours, please call our main office and we will assist.
Important Dates/Deadlines:
- Back to School Night is Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from 6:00pm-7:30pm for all Kindergarten – Grade 8. We invite you to come in and meet your child’s educators.
- Picture Day scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th…more information to come.
- Friday, October 11, 2019 is Early Release Day. Dismissal time is 12:30pm.
**We are the Salemwood Sharks (the shark is our school mascot). Please see our new positive behavioral intervention and supports motto: